premium wigs for luxurious, smooth hair-Symone

Color R12/26CH R2/4 R4/6 R4/8 R6/10 R8/12 R30/28/26 R6LF29 R14/8H R12/26H R8/26H R14/26H R18/24H RH1488 CARAMELKISS R51LF60 R59T RH1488RT8 R12/26RT4

This style is definitely one-of-a-kind. Featuring tons of volume and loose curls, Symone is a full style that is hip and completely charming.

Details: Front Lace Line | Short Style With Loose Curls, Wispy Long Sides & Tapered Nape

Brand: Estetica
Available Sizes: Average
Product Type: Wig

Lace Front
Not Heat Friendly

Crown: 4"
Side: 4.5"
Nape: 2"
Bang: 4.25"
Weight: 2.61 oz