Happy Kombucha Dehydrated Simple Milk Kefir Starter

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Happy Kombucha Dehydrated Milk Kefir Grains Starter


  • 1 x Dehydrated Milk kefir grains (1/2 teaspoon to enable you to brew 250ml immediately once the grains are activated)
  • Full activation and brewing instructions

These grains are dehydrated so require no special storage or treatment before us. Easy to make at home and full of gut loving bacteria!

Milk kerfir is a live yoghurt drink that is made from fermenting with milk kefir grains. Kefir is literally bursting with billions of naturally occurring probiotic. It takes only a few days to make a batch of delicious traditional kefir. Kefir tastes amazing and is incredibly versatile. It can be used to make everything from cheese, smoothies, and even incredible salad dressings.